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To give you a feel for the New Leaf and its practitioners here are a few articles published in local and national journals. Click on each paragraph to read the full article.



Naturopathic Medicine: a Holistic Profession You Need to Know About

Whole Living Magazine

Naturopathic Doctors combine alternative approaches with medical school training, but in some states, they struggle to deliver it. read more...


Some Question Need for Flu Shots

Poughkeepsie Journal

“As Finley said, if the body is already ill or weak to begin with, the flu shot might be a good move, but it doesn’t have to be a universal move.’ I have the utmost faith for the healing capacity of the human body, ‘ he said, ‘The hygiene factor is still a priority but there are many actions we can take to bolster the immune system and fight or avoid the virus altogether” read more...

Spring Detox Bolsters Energy

Poughkeepsie Journal, Living & Being

Linda Freeman details her experience with the New Leaf’s annual Spring Cleanse. “After this cleanse, I realize what I eat directly and immediately affects the way I look and feel. The choice toward nourishment is the path to health and vitality” read more...

Wellness Kit

Natural Health Magazine

This semester, get high marks in natural remedies with a back-to-school wellness kit, developed by naturopaths Glen Finely, N.D. and Moses Goldberg, N.D. read more...

Sugar-coating the Facts

Hudson Valley Magazine

“Glenn Finley, a naturopathic doctor at New Leaf in Kingston, says it’s easy to be deceived. “Cane juice has become the ‘natural sugar’ on some food ingredient labels, but it’s still sugar,” says Finely, who helps patients kick the sugar habit and manage blood glucose by using herbs and nutrients, and by retraining the taste buds to appreciate the sweetness of healthier alternatives like berries, spices, and other natural flavors. As a result, he says, people are losing weight and gaining better health” read more...

In Search of Migraine Relief

Poughkeepsie Journal

“Naturopaths Glenn Finely and Ileana Tecchio… have been successfully helping Moore combat his migraines since last year” read more...


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